Administrative Law
and Tax Law

Tax Counseling

In the area of Tax Law, the firm provides counseling on the penalties, that are given by federal, state or municipal entities, for noncompliance or errors in tax reporting.

Therefore, the firm can aid our clients in related issues with the Servicio de Administración Tributaria (Mexico’s Tax Administration Service), a deconcentrated bureau of the Mexican Ministry of Finance, el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Instituto del Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda para los Trabajadores, plus other federal, state and municipal administrative authorities as well.

Legal Counseling on Public Procurement

Likewise we offer Legal counseling on Public Procurement along with the following services:

  • Regularization of real estate.

  • Processing licenses and permits with any Federal, State or Municipal department.

  • Amparo Trials (The Amparo is an instrument for the protection of constitutional rights).

  • We assist our clients in all types of tax controversies, including tax audit, desk audit, defense of tax credits, tax court litigation, administrative sanctions and fines.

  • We assist our clients in related issues with the Federal Attorney's Office of Consumer (PROFECO), the Comisión para la Defensa de los Usuarios de los Servicios Financieros, and environmental authorities.