César Flores Blásquez

Socio Cesar Flores Blásquez

A Great Responsibility

In each case we must deliver the 100% in order to earn the customer satisfaction and recognition.

He is a graduate in law by the Universidad del Centro de México, likewise he was awarded with the special recognition of “Los Mejores Estudiantes de México” by el Diario de México for being an outstanding alumni.

Furthermore he holds degrees in The Mexican Financial System Law and Corporate Law from the Universidad Panamericana with honorable mention.

He holds certificates in:

  • Corporate Law.
  • Employment and Contract Law.
  • Social Security and Trust Law.
  • Strategic Estate Planning.

Areas Of Practice

  • Served as Regional General Counsel of Abaco Grupo Financiero, along with being Director of Confía, S.A. Institución de Banca Múltiple, Aba/Renda, Aba/Factor, Abaco Casa de Bolsa, Aba/Divisas y Aba/Seguros.
  • Served as Regional General Counsel of Citibank México, in the states of San Luis Potosí, Querétaro, Hidalgo, Guanajuato, Puebla y Estado de México.
  • Tax Attorney of the State of San Luis Potosí from 2000 to 2015, as well as providing legal advice to multiple state government offices during this period.
  • Was in charged of the Trust in the State of San Luis Potosí that manages the fund “Fondo para el Fortalecimiento de Sociedades Cooperativas de Ahorro y Préstamo y de Apoyo a sus Ahorradores.”
  • Member of the Academia Mexicana de Derecho Fiscal, capítulo San Luis.
  • Has taught courses in Intellectual Property Law and Banking Law.
  • Nowadays, he serves as an Outside Counsel to the Cruz Roja and to numerous financial groups.

In 2003, he founded his own law firm “Torres & Blásquez Abogados S.C.”, which has become one of the most prestigious law firms in San Luis Potosí, in such fields as Litigation Law, Corporate Law, Contract Law, Administrative Law, Employment Law and Public Law. Additionally he serves as a legal avisor to several companies established in San Luis Potosí and in other states as well.